Tractor Trailer, Semi Truck, 18 Wheeler and Commercial Vehicle Accidents in NM

Tractor Trailer,  Semi Truck, 18 Wheeler and Commercial Vehicle Accidents in NM

By: Mark Caruso, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorney (Albuquerque, NM)

Truck Accident Attorney Mark Caruso Has Been Representing NM Victims for 31 Year.   Statewide Representation.

Call Truck Accident Attorney Mark Caruso for a Free Consultation at 505-883-5000

Crashes between small passenger vehicles and massive commercial vehicles like delivery trucks, 18-wheelers, semi trucks and tractor trailers can present unique legal challenges. A commercial vehicle’s owner is most likely be a national or even international corporation.   Damages and injuries experienced by a car or light-truck driver are typically severe. Oftentimes, the result is death or severe and crippling injuries.   With large amounts of money at their disposal and even employment  and trucking licenses at stake, commercial vehicle drivers have ample motive to be dishonest.

Truck Accident Attorney Mark Caruso in Albuquerque, New Mexico has successfully handled many legal disputes involving 18-wheelers, semi trucks, tractor trailers and other types of commercial vehicles.

Have you been injured in an accident or crash involving a semi truck, 18-wheeler, tractor trailer or other commercial vehicle?   We can help.  Truck Accident Attorney Mark Caruso and his staff of attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants and experts are fully familiar and experienced with the unique challenges of motor vehicle crashes involving large commercial trucks, and can help you achieve a fair resolution of your case.

  • Drivers often deny the essential facts of an accident. We can obtain the driver’s log, depose the driver and interview witnesses, and work to prove fault and liability.
  • Drivers sometimes leave the scene of an accident. We can use the truck’s GPS system to prove the vehicle was at the scene of an accident.
  • Drivers sometimes have two sets of official books. We can work to obtain both sets, illustrate discrepancies and prove liability.
  • Drivers sometimes use illegal drugs, prescription drugs and alcohol when driving, or drive with insufficient sleep.
  • Trucking companies and other companies often fail to properly maintain vehicles.   We can obtain maintenance records to prove negligence.
  • We work with some of the country's best and most renowned trucking experts in proving that the driver AND his company were negligent.
Commercial vehicles are often highly insured, helping you obtain the financial compensation you deserve. Contact us for a no-charge discussion of your case. With 31 years of experience and successful settlements, awards and judgments to back up his reputation, Truck Accident Attorney Mark Caruso will get you the most money possible on your 18 wheeler, tractor trailer and semi truck crash.  Call us for a free consultation at 505-883-5000 or  or visit our web page at

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