By Indo becce Wednesday, January 27, 2016 accident attorney collision crash fatalities FedEx FMCSR injuries lawyer Leandro Martinez Leon litigation Morga preventable Safety Santa Fe Sear wrongful death FedEx Safety Manager Admits 40 to 50 Percent of FedEx Crashes Causing Injury or Death Are Preventable By Mark Caruso, Attorney FedEx Ground Manager of Safety Programs and Response Michael Sear recently admitted under oath that about 40% to 50...
By Indo becce Tuesday, January 26, 2016 18 wheeler accident attorney blow out Caruso collision commercial truck crash driver error FMCSR injury lawyer New Mexico NHTSA semi truck speed speed rating tires tractor trailer wrongful death Truckers Often Drive At Speeds Their Tires Can't Handle By Mark J. Caruso, Attorney When was the last time that you were driving 70 mph on a New Mexico highway and were passed by a tractor trailer...