By Indo becce Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Committee OKs Death Penalty Repeal Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Committee OKs Death Penalty Repeal By Dan Boyd Journal Capitol Bureau SANTA FE — The latest effort to repeal ...
By Indo becce 1:26 PM Lilly Close to $1.4 Billion Settlement over Zyprexa U.S. drug maker Eli Lilly is close to settling criminal and civil charges that it promoted a drug, Zyprexa, for unauthorized uses. The compa...
By Indo becce 1:24 PM Nearly 50 People Hospitalized After Wal-Mart Evacuation Police in Germantown, Wisconsin plan to review surveillance video in an attempt to find out who is responsible for releasing a chemical beli...
By Indo becce 1:18 PM California Man Dies After Being Tasered by Police Police in San Jose, California, say a man who died after being stunned got into a "violent struggle" with officers trying to take ...
By Indo becce 1:17 PM Ex-girlfriend Sues Former Met Alomar for AIDS Exposure Ex-Met second baseman Roberto Alomar found his sex life made public after his former girlfriend sued him, saying he had unprotected sex with...
By Indo becce 1:16 PM Peanut Company President Refuses to Testify The head of the company linked to a massive salmonella outbreak in peanut products refused to testify at a congressional hearing Wednesday a...